Verse from the Village

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ENDEAVOR – Cynthia Guardado


ENDEAVOR is a collection of poetry about survival. It is centered
around women, and also details the horrors of alcoholism, oppression,
and violence. This collection highlights extreme circumstances by
refusing to stay silent and therefore each poem pushes the reader to
face the harsh reality of trauma in different aspects of our society.



Cynthia Guardado is a Salvadorian-American poet and Professor of English. She received her Masters of Fine Arts from California State University, Fresno with an emphasis in poetry. Her poems have appeared in Huizache, Bozalta Journal, The Acentos Review, The Packinghouse Review, PALABRA: A Magazine of Chicano and Literary Art, Crate Literary Magazine, and The Normal School. She translated and transcribed interviews with journalist and Cuban exile, Normando Hernandez Gonzalez which were published in The Madrid Conversations (New Orleans Press 2013). Her poems “Pilgrimage” and “The Only Apartment in the Building without a Backdoor” are forthcoming in [ING] an Anthology about Inglewood.

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