Marissa Forbes


Marissa Forbes (she/her) is an artist, writer of all genres, an instructor, and mother. Her chapbook Surviving Peter Pan, was released in June 2023 with Beyond the Veil Press. Forbes’ full-length collection, Bridging the Gap: Poems & E thos for Emily Warren Roebling will be available from Finishing Line Press in October of 2023. Other published poems and short stories can be read on and @word_nerd_ris. She is the Managing Editor for Twenty Bellows, a Colorado based literary magazine, was awarded an Author Fellowship from Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing in 2021 and is a Pushcart Nominee for 2023. Forbes has resided all over the country but now lives a colorful life with her two children, Jack and Layne, her father, dog, and cat in Denver, CO.