Verse from the Village

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The Book called The Album N’Jedi T’Challa


The Book called: The Album is a medley of emotions, images, lyrics and honest exploration of the human experience. This is the second publication by N’jedi in continuation with his music inspired poetry series. N’jedi uses the soul of some of our favorite fields of music to revel in life and reconnoiter in pain. This book is written for the saint and the sinner in all of us. The God-fearing and the Godless with important messages and mistakes vividly captured along the way.

“T’Chala has mixed, mastered and produced an album of poetry that moves the soul. Each poem is riveting and plays out to it’s own unique melody. The Album should be listened to countless times on repeat.” -Charles Williams.

“Here, with this body of vulnerability, he is slashing through lines of loose-leaf scrolls. His humanity will engage your lust for love with references to hip-hop, Soul, Blues, and existentialists alike. This prosaic journal exposes heart aches, hopes, conquests, emotional invasions and intimate connections with reference to artists of times past and present.” -Philip Jerge


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